Cattelan Italia Dodo

Cattelan Italia Dodo

Category: Living room > Tables - Coffee

The Dodo coffee table is crafted using the ancient Balloton technique, a hallmark of Murano master glassmakers. Its body showcases a three-dimensional pattern of intersecting rhombi, shaped by blowing molten glass inside a metal mold. The resulting facetted effect is characteristic of the balloton process.

At the upper part, an off-center mandala pattern emerges, resembling flower petals or the intricate designs found in Buddhist tradition. The violet shades in the smoked crystal enhance the optical effect, creating a soft, delicate play of light. The table’s sharp-legged supports contrast with its rounded design, adding a touch of retro flair to contemporary style. Truly, this coffee table celebrates the magnificence of handcrafted glasswork.

Here are some stand out features of this magnificent piece of furniture:

Here is where you could place it in your home or workspace:

From £1,068.00

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